We Live in the Shadows

We live in the shadows, not fully exposed as we are so to give the world its last temptation and to give us our last trial. It is to ask us silently into a reality that as yet is unlawful to realize in a legalized world. So unlawful even to keep in the shadows, the true reality that we are warned not to be confounded by the temptation to be ashamed. And though God gives us all as our means to live in such a reality, we must live just under the fullness of its potential. The means God has given us is enough to keep hope alive, and enough to keep life abundant (in hope), it is enough to work strength till we secure our hope, and it is enough to advance hope (the Gospel) to the ends of the earth. But it is not enough to put Heaven within our physical grasp or to make Earth a dwelling place of God, nor enough to drive the nemy (Satan) out of existence. Yet it is enough to begin our awareness of all of this and even enough to use to this end. Our means is faith, and because it is faith, hope must be its present fulfillment. The non-legalism of the Gospel (the righteous) lives in the shadow, not fully exposed, while the legalist agress on what is legal. It is legal to strive for near success only if it remains as a dream so as to stir only the desire, but not envelope the soul; It is legal to keep adversity that troubles success as long as you are not objective to living with it; it is legal to suppress the reality of failure while allowing it; and though many drive into this blissful existence unaware of its consequence and destination—they are left with the restless desire that locks them into invoking every kind of divisiveness to satisfy it. Such men move riotously by, convinced that the righteous are but fools, who accept crumbs left from their life of sumptuous living though their own bones rot from the indulgence of prodigal living. These are those who miss the most obvious truth which is present in their decision: “What can profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul.” He is unaware that he seeks his gain at the expense of his own soul which in reality is not his gain at all, but the debt he must pay. A debt for which the world will ask first of him to pay–because gain is unlawful without payment and is only permissible lest it takes one passed the consciousness that his life is not his own, though he is bound to work. He was never intended to succeed (his desire for success must remain only a dream–an imagination–it is not a reality.


The shadow is the righteous existence and it is a shadow not because of reality but the unreality. It is the shadow because we are asked silently to walk in the will of God while yet in the world. It is a shadow because we are laid upon to carry the burden of Christ, who in being was not fully known. It is a shadow because we have learned the taste of the bitterness of the cross (death) while keeping the sweet desire of God’s goodness. It is a shadow because nowhere can we lay our heads while everyone else is secure. It is a shadow while God inconspicuously passes the few through it—making their understanding their seeing, though their natural eye does not. It is the shadow because the light does not shine on the one side (the world) as it does on the other side (our hope in God). It is the shadow because God has asked us to learn His obedience under it, while no one knows why we do or what we’ve accomplished. And those who do know our obedience will also do the same; though the world cannot know, without it being their own. We have this shadow because we are treasures in earthen vessels that the trueness of its light is God and not man. It is a shadow because legalism will not achieve it, but the unlawful (those in the shadow) will– for which the world agrees is not attainable by man. It is why the world celebrates human imperfection under judgment rather than spiritual sanctification under suffering because it can make no claim to it.

“Surely He [the Son] has borne our grief and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, [believing he was] smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement (the punishment) of (and for) our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes (beatings) we are healed (we’re made whole). (We are) all like sheep (that) have gone astray; we have all turned away, everyone, to his own way, and the Lord [the Father] has laid on him [the Son] the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed [being broken and exploited] and He was afflicted [being trouble’, yet He opened not His mouth [and would not retaliate]; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter [to be butchered], and as a sheep is silent before the shearers [the butcher], so He opened not His mouth [not crying out], He was taken from prison and from judgment [that what was unlawful would be done to Him], and who will declare His generation [who will raise up His posterity]? For He was cut off from the land of the living [He was killed]; for the transgressions of My people [for the sins of those He would buy back] He was stricken. And they made His grave with the wicked—but with the rich at His death. Because He had done no violence [He did no wrong], nor was any deceit in His month [He did not lie]. Yet it pleased the Lord [the Father] to bruise Him [the Son, being willful to cause His death and suffering]; He [the Father] has put Him [the Son] to grief. When You [the Father] make His [the Son’s] soul an offering for sin, He [the Son] shall see His seed [the children], He [the Father] shall prolong His days [to keep His life]. And the pleasure of the Lord [The Father] shall proper in His [the Son’s] hand. [Isaiah 53: 4-10 NKJV].

If they had known who He was, they would not have crucified Him. As was He in the shadow even then, so are we-it continues…we live in the shadow though we live just under our means for the sake of our means (which is faith)-so that faith is not just for having but for holding. We steward the righteous treasure; we do not buy and sell it; because we are the heirs!

A Prayer: If yet I have learned to know how to walk in the knowledge of the faith of the Gospel—don’t let me be displaced by any other—make me find You, Lord. And if I come to live in the shadows, known or unknown, let me see clearly the light of your way–forming me through the gift of grace You’ve given me in faith. Surrender my heart to You that my mind will be made to follow up that nothing will lack in me to finish this race. Because I know you ask of me all day long what the worth of your salvation is in me–and like you, You tell me I must answer by my life. Lord, show me the prayers that lead me to the final place that says, “Your will, Lord and not mine”. For you have conquered death in the grave, conquer fear and shame in me…cause me to be more than a conqueror even while its faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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