Teresa is the founder and director of Sold to Him Media Ministries. As early as the age of seven, Teresa traveled from church-to-church as a singer, an experience she now regards as providential. Her faith and the gifting of God helped her to grow into a mature songster to embark in studies at the Conservatory. Still, ministry of the Word hung in the balance while singing became the vehicle for beginning a constant walk of faith that inevitably fostered her preaching ministry. Unbeknownst to her, Teresa after receiving God’s call to preach the Gospel began her move to Texas and the beginning of her evangelical ministry and mission. God opened the knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures to her by the Holy Spirit forming a unique message
in her time for which her life would follow. Thus, she would go on to found Sold to Him Media and its ministries. Today, Teresa holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Summa Cum Laude honor; master degrees in Practical Theology, Biblical Theology, and Master of Divinity. She has authored and published papers, books, and an anthology of poems, some of which are heard as dramatic readings on NOLIK and GBR radio. Moreover, she has toured six countries as an evangelist and songster; preached in the jail/prison systems in at least three countries, in addition to an extensive ministry in the United States.

Clifford joined Sold to Him soon after its conception and is director of ministry after receiving his call from God to join Teresa
(his wife) in service. He began to use his skills in organizing ministry programs such as open air and tent meetings as well as facilitating communications and travel nationally and internationally. Clifford joined the jail/prison ministry undergoing training through Prison
Fellowship (PF), which led to his being selected a volunteer prison representative during the PF 1994 Starting Line Program in Texas. He continued to grow in ministry through prayer and counseling to jail/prison inmates. He has appeared on radio and television in collaboration with Teresa as a speaker and singer. He now ministers and counsels many through the programs and meetings of Sold to Him Media Ministries, both locally and abroad.

James began in knowledge and the study of the bible at an early age through the regenerating grace of God, which taught him. His gift of prayer, the understanding, and revelation of the Scriptures catapulted him to early witnessing among those in his school, family, and shut-ins, which led to his preaching of the Gospel. He too followed the work of Sold to Him Media Ministry in assistance to his parents but also as a ministering partner of the Word of God. Clifford has since taken ministry programs to the homeless, shut-ins, nursing facilities, and prison/jails
as well as traveling aboard in international missions. Clifford has published a number of writings extrapolating on the principles of the bible and prayer such as “A Teaching on the Altar of God” and “Dear Child, Searching for You” in addition to collaborating on various works with his mother (Teresa). He is now radio manager of Gospel Broadcast Radio and the remote work audio and videographer.