Watchmen Nee

Watchmen Nee—was born in 1903 and came to faith at the age of 17 when attending a meeting where evangelist, Dora Yu was preaching. He became founder and pastor of what became known as the “Church Assembly Hall” in China known as the “little flocks”, and itinerant of small local churches formed from his missions and travels. Nee asserted that geographical bound was the only legitimate reason for having more than one church while maintaining that there was only one Church and Body of Christ. His family was brought to the knowledge of faith, where his mother, Peace Lin emerged as a preacher as inevitably, he did. Nee received the beginning of his grace in learning of the Gospel from the knowledge and demonstration of a British missionary named Margaret E. Barber who taught and lived among many of the young men of China. Nee continued his ministry and writings though he was imprisoned for his faith in 1949 and which 20 years until his death. Nee in the first chapter of his book titled A Normal Christian Life answers a very fundamental question for which has received more abstraction than any other aspect of Christian life and that is “What is the normal Christian life?” Nee answers it by this: “The apostle Paul gave us his own definition of the Christian life in Galatians 2:20. It is “no longer I, but Christ.” Here he is not stating something special or peculiar–a high level of Christianity. He is, we believe, presenting God’s normal for a Christian, which can be summarized in the words: I live no longer, but Christ lives His Life in me.”

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