Sold To Him Media Ministries, LLC (STHMM) is a Christian media company formed to engage Christians in learning and the spreading of the Gospel through education, teaching, ministry, training, fellowship, and performing arts toward a commitment to the life and word of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in service, worship, and communion with God in the Holy Spirit; by faith to personify the life and spirit of Jesus Christ through grace and love toward one another and others; being and making discipleship of the Lord Jesus Christ our goal and life; to seek the face of God through supplication and prayer in submission to the Holy Spirit, and to increase in knowledge and obedience to the will of God; in life together, being one in discipleship as all nations to the glory of God in Christ Jesus.
Sold To Him Media Ministries, LLC (STHMM) is a non-denominational Christian business comprised of directors who engage writers, artists, actors, vocal talent, editors, and technicians who have a passion for reaching all ages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the ministry of fictional, non-fictional stories, poetry, papers, essays, books, and other forms of performing arts presented in books, collections, e-books, podcasts, and videos. It is our conviction to present the Gospel as it exists in daily life, calling you to discipleship and conformity to Jesus Christ by His knowledge, faithfulness, service, and stewardship, exemplifying His nature and strength as He spoke in Matthew 25:35-40. And so the overarching goal is to call to Christ, strengthening the body of Christ in discipleship toward endurance in the faith and the unity of the Spirit in mind and life in anticipation of Christ coming and our gathering together with Him.
- The Holy Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit― three persons in one substance.
- The Bible, which is verbally and plenary inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant and infallibly.
- The fallen and lost estate of man, whose total depravity makes necessary the new birth.
- The atonement of the vicarious and substitutionary death and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and God
- Predestination which is according to God’s election of those for mercy and salvation.
- The baptism of repentance and the Cross which accompanies the confession of faith unto salvation.
- Christ’s command that all who come after Him must be a disciple and also make disciples of all nations.
- The sanctification of the disciple by the Holy Spirit
- The sanctity of life.
- Marriage as exclusively the union between one genetic male and one genetic female.
- The true Church which is the Body, or Bride of Christ
- The resurrection of the saved unto eternal life in Heaven, the resurrection of the unsaved unto everlasting death in Hell.