Sold to Him Media Ministries

Like a wicked step-sister to humanity, humanism exploits her seared conscience, unaware of her nakedness, deified herself through godless wisdom—in essence, defecting from God for a vile and baseless autonomy she could not afford (1 Tim. 4:1–2, Rom. 1:28–32).


What is the definition and aim of Humanism? It is the greater glorification of humankind as intrinsically intelligent, and thus, through knowledge is the author of its destiny and ultimate fate without the aid of any external power.
Thus, it is a lie.

Broadcasting the Gospel of Jesus Christ that the weapons of our warfare, are not carnal but mighty in God, for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, to obedience to Christ.


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